Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Call Me Typhoid Megan!

So, the verdict is in! I officially have the ´phoid! But, have no is not a bad case. On the typhoid scale, I am in the lower section. The doctor that works for Ninos con Valor read my results and prescribed a few pills to rid me of the disease.

Oddly, I have very few of the symptoms associated with typhoid. No vomiting. No diarrhea. Just a fever, a few sporadic nose bleeds, and a few red spots.

Other than this recent development, I am doing well. I am really enjoying my four teachers I have for these two weeks! One has amazing stories about coming from two very distinct, very different worlds--a Criollo mother and a very Indigenus father. I love talking with her about her life and her experiences, and she really does inspire me to work for what I beleive in! Another is very into the history of Latin America and we spend the whole class talking about the explotation of the ingigenus by the Spanish, the unnecessary US intervention within Latin America, and the current political changes within the countries of Latin America. She gives me tons of book and movie recommendations, which I will one day get to, I hope! The other two focus more on grammar and pronunciation, but still know how to make me laugh and get me talking.

That is pretty much all for now...continuing to enjoy my experiences, even typhoid! But, missing everyone in the states! Sending love!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Megs--What a great victory for Green Bay and the old Golden Bear quarterback (MVP)! He's truly got a golden arm. Enjoyed your Blogs and the Skyping today. I can hardly wait for the coming weeks to rush by so we can see you in La Paz. It's so long in between "trips." Hope you enjoy the rest of the time in your classes--learning is always time well spent. I am ready to march for Evo--if I can get a hold of enough altitude meds. It's getting late and I have an early day at school tomorrow. All the kids say "hi" and send their love. We bought girl scout cookies from Alyssa tonight (on the computer). Skype you soon and miss you tons. Love always, Dad
