Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Luis Espinal: Bolivian Martyr

Luis Espinal, a Spanish Jesuit, was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by Bolivian paramilitaries. Espinal committed his life to working with and for the poor and for social justice. He participated in strikes and protests against violent, brutal Bolivian dictators and worked to improve the conditions of the miners in Bolivia. He helped bring down Hugo Banzer, one of Bolivia's worst dictators. Espinal was murdered during the military coup of Luis Garcia Meza. The Jesuit truly struggled with the poor and oppressed, and fought to defend and protect basic human rights for all. Three days after Espinal's unjust assassination, Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador was executed during mass.

Although both men worked for the oppressed people of their countries, Espinal's death was overshadowed by Romero's well-known murder. Oscar Romero is one of my heroes because he spoke out for what he believed in and gave a voice to those who had none. Romero will forever be a martyr, a hero to all. However, I had never heard of Luis Espinal until coming to Bolivia. He, like Oscar Romero, wanted to bring equality to his country and fought intensely against unjust governments. Therefore, like Romero, Espinal is seen as a martyr and a hero to the people of Bolivia. Schools, churches, and parks are named to honor this fallen hero.

Below is an excerpt by Luis Espinal:

There is a imperceptible line between prudence and cowardice.
We call on prudence for the sake of safety and laziness,
We call on prudence in order not to compromise ourselves,
in order not to risk anything personal.

We think that with age prudence grows,
without realising that conformism grows at the same time.

We all talk of prudence, Lord
But not a prudence that is yours,
which in vain we search for in your gospels.

Jesus Christ, we give you thanks
because you were not prudent
or diplomatic
You did not stay silent in order to escape the cross.

You challenged the powerful,
knowing that you risked your life.
Those that killed you, they were prudent.

Do not let us be so prudent that we become content with everything.
Your word wounds, like a sword with two sides.

Luis Espinal: Bolivian Martyr. Presente.


1 comment:

  1. Megs--

    These are beautiful thoughts and extraordinary words. This great man put so much love into giving...Never forget: it is better to live on your feet than die on your knees. (Only the good die young...) Love you,

